
DUAL UK: a 5-star MGA


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We are absolutely delighted that participating brokers have voted DUAL UK a 5 star MGA at the 2022 Insurance Business Awards. Many thanks to everyone that took the time to vote for us. 

Read the full report from Insurance Business UK here.

As one of the world’s largest international underwriting agencies, DUAL has a longstanding reputation for underwriting expertise and in-depth technical knowledge.

We believe that our success is built on creating and delivering the right products to the right people around the globe. Today, we work with more than 70 (re)insurers worldwide and have an extensive distribution network of over 8,500 brokers that continues to develop and expand.

We empower our people to develop products and services that consistently deliver the best for our clients and partners. Our goal to be the world’s best underwriting business means our focus is always on exceptional underwriting and high standards of service. 

To find out more about our teams and products, navigate to the products tab on our website, or download our UK team and products PDF.

For more information about DUAL, download our overview PDF.