A day in the life of Sarah Howard

My alarm goes off and I…
Get up and head for the gym, getting up and being active first thing sets me up for the day. Depending on how I am feeling (or the weather outside) I’ll either head down to my local gym or do a home workout in the lounge.
I’m responsible for…
I’m one of 7 PI underwriters on the professional indemnity team, in addition to underwriting I also help out with the compliance and processing of our risks.
My first job was...
When I was 16 I worked at a leisure centre as a lifeguard, it was great for getting me used to waking up early for work (the first shift was 5.30am!). I really enjoyed my time there but unfortunately it’s difficult to boss children around when most of them were taller than me.
My typical day involves…
Evaluating risks and completing the admin that comes with it, collaborating with my team whilst occasionally helping out with compliance issues. My days tend to shift around depending on the time of year, closer to our binder renewal my days can look very different to others.
My most memorable work moment is...
My first week at DUAL, I felt so welcome and it was the moment I realised I was going to enjoy working at DUAL for a long time.
The most challenging part of my job is...
Juggling the different aspects of my role and making sure I devote enough time to each area. Despite having to keep a few plates spinning it’s also one of the things I also enjoy most about the role.
The best part of my job is...
100% the people, without being bias the people on the PI/Cyber team are some of the funniest people in DUAL. There’s never a dull moment in the office, and Thursday afternoons are particularly exciting…
After work I...
Mondays I have Spanish lessons, something I have been doing for almost 2 years now, hola! The rest of the week I am either catching up with friends or just taking some me time.
If I didn’t work in Insurance, my plan B would be...
Working with animals for sure. Surprisingly my university degree was in animal science, something most people are shocked to find out when I tell them I am an insurance underwriter!